Our Technical Features

Face & Action Analysis

accurate face detect, recognition and human action recognition


reports with realtime multi-person analysis

Edge Computing

Cross platform edge computing, safe and secure


the software architecture is built with scalability in mind

Plug & Play

Open API and Cross platform sdk to easily integrate


Build cutting edge AIoT applications

Facial access and attendance management.

Using advanced face recognition technology, it can quickly and accurately identify in various scenarios, without contact, and quickly complete face verification. It is used as access control and attendance to ensure safety.

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Passenger flow analysis and crowd management

Real-time analysis of the number of people entering and leaving a store or office building and the number of people indoors. Helps business decision-making

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Digital Signage Advertising Analysis

Use advanced computer vision analysis technology to analyze the attributes of people watching digital signage in real time, including the number of people, age, gender, etc., to provide more data analysis to help companies better place and analyze advertisements

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Motion Sensing Interactive Games

Highly playable Motion Sensing Interactive games to help businesses attract more customers

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